[2012-03-27 09:59:44] [ Protocol ] 23ce1851341e Client: 800 LOGIN user@partner [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 09:59:44] [ Protocol ] 23ce1851341e Server: 800 NOOK [2012-03-27 09:59:44] [ Protocol ] 23ce1851341e NOOK : 800 LOGIN [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 09:59:44] [ Error ] 23ce1851341e 201:SMSMASS_ERR_INVALID_USER_OR_PASSWORD [2012-03-27 09:59:44] [ Error ] 23ce1851341e 100:SMSMASS_NOOK_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_HOST (setAllowAnswer) [2012-03-27 10:00:04] [ Protocol ] 884d247c6f65 Client: 800 LOGIN user@part [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 10:00:04] [ Protocol ] 884d247c6f65 Server: 800 NOOK [2012-03-27 10:00:04] [ Protocol ] 884d247c6f65 NOOK : 800 LOGIN [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 10:00:04] [ Error ] 884d247c6f65 201:SMSMASS_ERR_INVALID_USER_OR_PASSWORD [2012-03-27 10:07:31] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 10:07:31] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 800 OK 74 80 [2012-03-27 10:07:31] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-03-27 10:07:31] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-03-27 10:07:31] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-03-27 10:07:31] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 802 OK [2012-03-27 10:07:31] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 803 ACUSEON juan@knert.com [2012-03-27 10:07:31] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 803 OK juan@knert.com [2012-03-27 10:07:31] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 804 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 804 NOOK Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 NOOK : 804 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Error ] aff1621254f7 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 805 DST +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 805 OK 1 [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 806 MMSMSG [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 806 OK [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 807 ENVIA [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 807 OK 72 30 [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 808 USUBMIT+34659824567 VGhlIHRleHQgZm9yIHRoZSBzbXM= [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 808 NOOK Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 NOOK : 808 USUBMIT+34659824567 VGhlIHRleHQgZm9yIHRoZSBzbXM= [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Error ] aff1621254f7 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 809 WAPLINK+34659824567 http://o.com/ subject [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 809 NOOK Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 NOOK : 809 WAPLINK+34659824567 http://o.com/ subject [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Error ] aff1621254f7 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 810 DST +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 810 OK 1 [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 811 FILEMSG image/jpg 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 subject|The text for the sms [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 811 OK [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 812 ENVIA [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 812 OK 71 20 [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 813 ACUSEOFF [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 813 OK [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 814 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 814 OK [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 815 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 815 NOOK Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 NOOK : 815 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Error ] aff1621254f7 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:07:32] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 816 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:07:33] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 816 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-03-27 10:07:33] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 817 SALDO [2012-03-27 10:07:33] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 817 RSALDO 71 20 [2012-03-27 10:07:33] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 818 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:07:33] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 818 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-03-27 10:07:33] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Client: 819 QUIT [2012-03-27 10:07:33] [ Protocol ] aff1621254f7 Server: 819 BYE [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 800 OK 71 20 [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 802 OK [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 803 ACUSEON juan@knert.com [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 803 OK juan@knert.com [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 804 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 804 NOOK Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 NOOK : 804 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Error ] 0a113ef6b618 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 805 ACUSEOFF [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 805 OK [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 806 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 806 OK [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 808 SALDO [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 808 RSALDO 71 20 [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Client: 810 QUIT [2012-03-27 10:11:27] [ Protocol ] 0a113ef6b618 Server: 810 BYE [2012-03-27 10:11:34] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 10:11:34] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 800 OK 71 20 [2012-03-27 10:11:34] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-03-27 10:11:34] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-03-27 10:11:34] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-03-27 10:11:34] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 802 OK [2012-03-27 10:11:34] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 803 ACUSEON juan@knert.com [2012-03-27 10:11:34] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 803 OK juan@knert.com [2012-03-27 10:11:34] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 804 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 804 NOOK Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 NOOK : 804 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Error ] 918317b57931 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 805 ACUSEOFF [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 805 OK [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 806 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 806 OK [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 808 SALDO [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 808 RSALDO 71 20 [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Client: 810 QUIT [2012-03-27 10:11:35] [ Protocol ] 918317b57931 Server: 810 BYE [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 800 OK 71 20 [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 802 OK [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Error ] 051e4e127b92 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 804 OK [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 805 OK [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Error ] 051e4e127b92 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 808 SALDO [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 808 RSALDO 71 20 [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Client: 810 QUIT [2012-03-27 10:13:39] [ Protocol ] 051e4e127b92 Server: 810 BYE [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Server: 800 OK 71 20 [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Server: 802 OK [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Error ] c410003ef13d 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Client: 804 QUIT [2012-03-27 10:18:47] [ Protocol ] c410003ef13d Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Error ] a684eceee76f 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:01:04] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Error ] a684eceee76f 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:01:05] [ Protocol ] a684eceee76f Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Error ] f5f8590cd58a 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Error ] f5f8590cd58a 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:04:12] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:04:13] [ Protocol ] f5f8590cd58a Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Error ] 598b3e71ec37 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:04:19] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Error ] 598b3e71ec37 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:04:20] [ Protocol ] 598b3e71ec37 Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Error ] 96da2f590cd7 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:05:25] [ Protocol ] 96da2f590cd7 Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Error ] 9f61408e3afb 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:05:48] [ Protocol ] 9f61408e3afb Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:07:14] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:07:14] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:14] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:07:14] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:07:14] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:07:15] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:15] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:15] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:15] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:15] [ Error ] d2ddea18f006 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:15] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:07:15] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:15] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Error ] d2ddea18f006 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:07:16] [ Protocol ] d2ddea18f006 Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Error ] c51ce410c124 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Error ] c51ce410c124 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:07:24] [ Protocol ] c51ce410c124 Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Error ] 8c7bbbba95c1 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:07:29] [ Protocol ] 8c7bbbba95c1 Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Error ] 38db3aed920c 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Error ] 38db3aed920c 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 1 PING 1343059646 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 811 PONG 1343059646 [2012-07-23 18:07:33] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Error ] aa169b49b583 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Error ] aa169b49b583 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:07:35] [ Protocol ] aa169b49b583 Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Error ] fbd7939d6749 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:36] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Error ] fbd7939d6749 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:07:37] [ Protocol ] fbd7939d6749 Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Error ] 3988c7f88ebc 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Error ] 3988c7f88ebc 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:07:38] [ Protocol ] 3988c7f88ebc Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 The text for the sms [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Error ] a5bfc9e07964 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 804 ACUSEOFF [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 804 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 805 ALLOWANSWER OFF [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 805 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 806 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 NOOK : 806 FSUBMITTEST +34659824567 The text for the sms SIN Acuse! [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Error ] a5bfc9e07964 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 807 TARIFA +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 807 RTARIFA 182 1.000000 0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 6.000000 2.500000 6.000000 10.000000 [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 808 SALDO [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 808 RSALDO 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 809 INFONUM +34659824567 [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 809 RINFONUM 34659 214 07 [2012-07-23 18:07:39] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Client: 810 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:07:40] [ Protocol ] a5bfc9e07964 Server: 810 BYE [2012-07-23 18:07:42] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:07:42] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:07:42] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:07:42] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:07:42] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:07:43] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:07:43] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:07:43] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:43] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:07:43] [ Error ] 7fe1f8abaad0 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:07:43] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:07:43] [ Protocol ] 7fe1f8abaad0 Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Error ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:09:01] [ Protocol ] b7ee6f5f9aa5 Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio Juan [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Error ] 7f1de29e6da1 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:09:11] [ Protocol ] 7f1de29e6da1 Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:09:34] [ Protocol ] 58e4d44e550d Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:09:34] [ Protocol ] 58e4d44e550d Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:09:34] [ Protocol ] 58e4d44e550d Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:09:34] [ Protocol ] 58e4d44e550d Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:09:34] [ Protocol ] 58e4d44e550d Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:09:34] [ Protocol ] 58e4d44e550d Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Client: 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Server: 803 NOOK Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f NOOK : 803 SUBMIT+34659824567 Test de envio [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Error ] b2f627fff19f 0:SMSMASS_NOOK_GENERIC_ERROR Sintax error [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:10:22] [ Protocol ] b2f627fff19f Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 800 OK 486 60 [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 803 SUBMIT [id=43274] +34659824567 Test de envio [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 803 SUBMITOK 485 60 [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:10:46] [ Protocol ] 38db3aed920c Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Server: 800 OK 485 60 [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Client: 803 SUBMIT [id=79630] +34659824567 Test de envio [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Server: 803 SUBMITOK 484 60 [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:11:04] [ Protocol ] 3fe94a002317 Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Server: 800 OK 484 60 [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Client: 803 SUBMIT [id=58075] +34659824567 Test de envio [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Server: 803 SUBMITOK 483 60 [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:11:05] [ Protocol ] d79aac075930 Server: 804 BYE [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Client: 800 LOGIN admon@knet [...] Logger version 1.9.1 [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Server: 800 OK 483 60 [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Client: 801 USERAGENT Simple API PHP version 2.0.14 [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Server: 801 USERAGENTOK [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Client: 802 ALLOWANSWER ON [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Server: 802 OK [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Client: 803 SUBMIT [id=10053] +34659824567 Test de envio [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Server: 803 SUBMITOK 482 60 [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Client: 804 QUIT [2012-07-23 18:11:06] [ Protocol ] e2ef524fbf3d Server: 804 BYE